Social Club Misfit Gang or also known by their full name: Social Club Misfit Gang Wolf Pack. (SCMGWP). These couple of dudes are definitely adding to a whole new generation of rap and definitely are beginning to rearrange the arena for Christian rap music too. Their new mixtape came out just yesterday and they seem to have brought this whole new style of raw aggression to the Christian rap scene that I - to be perfectly honest -have yet to see pulled off by too many Christian hip-hop artists without it being corny.

The Social Club Misfit Gang take their mistakes and their problems and their ability to relate to groups of people who have had their hearts broken and have threatened to take their lives one day and use it all to create a sort of rap style in the Christian scene that at times almost seems secular. They do not neccesarily stand behind a podium and preach to their listeners, but instead they go ham, dance around, and provide an atmosphere to their music that makes you want to get out of your seat and just punch someone square in the face! - in love of course.

What I am getting at is that in most of Social Club's music especially in songs like "Chocolate Bobka" I am able to sense this sort of insanity and sort of energetic nature to both Martymar and Fernie in which because of their lyrics and beats you just feel as if you are also a part of the social club misfit gang. It is as if because of the relatability of their lyrics and compelling beats and the woman's voice that says, "social club is the best" that you also as a listener also begin to believe that social club is the best and that they are more than just rap group, but a group of rowdy imperfect Christians trying to grow and seek to be more like Christ just as much as the preacher on the stage.

The Social Club Misfit Gang are truly a group of very talented people and by the grace of God I hope that they continue to grow with the Lord, but never grow out of their energetic, child-like, and humbling music style.

Click the picture above to be taken to the download link for their new mixtape.

Chad Farnsley
1/31/2015 11:38:00 am

We rep the misfits in aw ash valley correctional institute, rep pin the 3 2 baby, hooligans 4 life

12/26/2016 10:43:44 am

That is very helpful for increasing my knowledge in this field.


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